Highly conceptual, strategic thinker experienced in developing creative work for financial services, business to business, healthcare, automotive, packaged goods, technology and alcohol.
Freelance and Independent Creative/Art Director January 2016 -present
Direct clients:
Blue Bird Music, an importer and distributor of high quality two channel audio products throughout USA and Canada. Along with my copywriter partner I develop and execute print and social media campaigns for Bluebird’s speaker, turntable and amplifier brands.
Confidence Analytics Laboratory, a provider of pharmaceutical grade analysis of cannabis. With the same partner I develop brand positioning, print ads, social media postings, website design and information cards for retail outlets.
Freelance agency clients: Evoke!, Razorfish, FCB, Wunderman, Lanmark360, Patients & Purpose, cdm, Realogy Holdings
TBWA/Chiat/Day Associate Creative Director July 2014 to December 2015
• Primarily responsible for producing TV, digital, social and online content for
the Bank of New York Mellon account
• Contributed to winning four new business pitches including Travelers Insurance,
Thomson Reuters, GoDaddy and Ipsen Pharmaceutical Company
Freelance Creative/Art Director October 2012 to June 2014
During this period worked for the following firms and clients:
Adrenaline-Havas on the Novartis account, Red Fuse /Y&R on Colgate-Palmolive, FCB Health on
Novartis, Sawtooth Group on McCormick Spices, Concept One on P&G, Red Sky Insights on
LPL Financial and HNW on Schwab
BBDO Creative Director 2006 – October 2012
• Developed and executed multiple campaigns for Bank of America through a tumulltuous time
for the U.S economy and the cient
• Created several TV and print campaigns for Campbell’s Soups, including a critical relaunch of a
key product line
• Created viral video and TV spots for Gillette
• Re-launched Merck’s Nasonex “Bee” campaign with a new character design and campaign look
• Executed 45 spots for Aleve in a one-month TV blitz
• Developed work for GE and Johnson & Johnson
Saatchi & Saatchi/Havas/Arnold Freelance Art Director 2005 to 2006
• At Saatchi developed multiple campaigns for AstraZeneca products Crestor and Nexxium
• At Havas developed and executed print and radio campaigns for Merck’s Dr.Scholl’s
and executed TV for Reckitt Benckiser’s Spray and Wash
• At Arnold Worldwide developed TV and print campaigns for Novartis’ Benefiber brand
McCann-Erickson Associate Creative Director 2000 to 2004
• Developed and executed three global print campaigns for the newly merged ExxonMobil.
These campaigns led to the awarding of new assignments and additional billings from the
client in all media
• For the U.S. State Department created an integrated campaign addressing Muslims throughout
the world after 9/11
• Created and implemented several campaigns for Lucent during the client’s shift in focus from
equipment sales to client services
• Developed and produced TV spots for Gillette’s Latin America, Russia and China markets
J. Walter Thompson Associate Creative Director1997 to 1999
• Launched a new Lubriderm product with a TV and print campaign
• Created TV spots for Hall’s Cough Drops.
• Launced a new Trident product, Trident for kids, with a print campaign
• Developed TV spots and print campaigns for Unilever’s Listerine, Kimberly Clark, Helene Curtis,
DeBeer’s and Lipton
Education B.F.A. School of Visual Arts New York
Art Institute of Philadelphia